Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of machine learning which uses logic programming as a uniform representation technique for examples, background knowledge and hypotheses. Due to its strong representation formalism based on first-order logic, ILP provides excellent means for multi-relational learning and data mining.
The ILP conference is the premier international forum on logic-based and relational learning. The conference has broadened its scope and welcomes contributions to learning from multi-relational databases and non-trivially structured data, ranging from purely logic-based to alternative approaches, such as probabilistic or connectionist. Work on ILP has explored several intersections to statistical learning and other probabilistic approaches, expanding research horizons significantly.
ILP 2015 is the twenty-fifth edition in the series of the ILP international conferences. We are pleased to announce that this year The 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2015) will take place in Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, from Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd of August, 2015. Kyoto is the former capital of Japan for more than 1,000 years, and for this it has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1994.
- Oct.05
- Check out Call for Papers - MLJ Special Issue Papers
- Aug.22
- ILP 2015 has successfully ended.
- Aug.12
- Online registration expires Aug 17th 18:00 UTC+9.
- Aug.04
- Added conference programme
- Jul.30
- Added Panel Discussion: ILP 25 Years
- Jul.08
- Added short papers and published papers in Accepted Papers
- Jul.03
- Celebration of 20 Years of Distribution semmantics
- Jun.18
- Added Accepted Long Papers
- Jun.01
- Registration has started!.
- May.22
- Upload the Poster.
- May.22
- Submission site for Short papers/Published papers open.
- Mar.05
- Add Program Committee, Local Committee and Previous Meetings.
- Dec.15
- Check out on the page FOR AUTHORS
- Dec.01
- Open the 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming website!